
A photograph of R.Dyer.

R.Dyer is an autistic musician and performance artist interested in the margins between song/sound, folk stories/improvisation and sublimity/hysteria. With the aid of a loop pedal, she uses everything from saxophone, found sounds, musical saw, nose-flute, marshmallows, games of bingo, visual art and more to create pop songs, soundscapes and surreal stories that teeter on the brink of failure, inviting chaos and audience response to shape performances.
A regular on the Brighton music scene she has supported Ana da Silva & PHEW!, Sarah Angliss, Richard Dawson, as well as creating two solo shows, Grief! Aspergers! Cupcakes! and Music for Meltdowns, and opening the Brighton Open Houses 2019 with an installation of tin-can phones. Over Lockdown she’s been writing power-pop and working on plans to record an album.